[2005-10-08]_5:39 p.m.
karma breeze

its seemingly history
I know how it goes
the end
the beginning
the middle wars
all known
all dreaded fearfully
to my max

and yet I never learn
I never move on to my next level
there's a set change
new faces
new characters
perhaps its a cold winter night
with wind flowing through my every hair
or a hot summery day
with every pore I've got
feasting for this break


its all the same
a treadmill
that I do not seem to lose breath on
and thank god

cause I think I'd go mad
if not already
I think
that it is time
for the wind
to change direction


history always repeats
every damn time

even if you know
the end
the beginning
and everything in between

you cannot change fate
and I cannot escape from myself
