[2004-01-11]_11:09 a.m.
history repeats 2nd grade

can you feel it? creeping. slithering. i can see it slowly happenening. the history repeating itself like it usually does in the end, because we never really learn now do we. never really give it all we've got. we never quite last as long as we'd hoped we would. we never could help having that last cigarette.


i think i will get a jamba juice today. its been a long while since i had one, and i dont eat fruit, so i am overdue if i dont want to get scurvy.

i'd be the cutest little pirate there ever was.


i dread hanging out with m father today. he is not very entertaining. i thinks he is crazy. i should commit him tonight. after he buys me some food. god im twisted.


are you over it yet?

do your eyelids still show you the world at night?

can you still hear my voice in the dark?

do you waste wishes on me?

do i do the same thing?

does the end draw near

will my bleeding heart sting?


hans is gone

and he wont be back until his heart is broken

but i wont wait around here

until that happens

ive got too much to do

so much to destroy myself.

