[2004-01-06]_1:22 a.m.
ocean splash

the water runs deep

how cold it was

but warmth searched so hard for

and found

circling in the sand

to imaginary music

'twas the best

that could have been

what has been made

i can feel shaking




what was long denied

and hope

that the damage was not

more than skin deep

and that it will heal soon

especially since

it cant be seen

the way i see it

from then end

and seeing that the means

are not justifying the end

this time

i was just dumb.

red in eyes. and dumb.

im glad ive been told of beauty

i hear it not often

except from within

twas a 7.5

from 1-5

a boost discretly asked for

i waited held back for quite some time now.

it hurt so bad

burned a hole in my stomach

to taste the lemon

with such bitter aftertaste

and a bigger smile

i would not take back

any of it

if it meant

that i could not

3 the way

i did

i do

i will


thanx for the moon

and the fizz sound

and the crazy walks

and mars rover walking reminders

ive never walked backwards

that far.

or smelled the beast so much

3 the tree

as long as im allowed.

as long as its understood.
