[2004-01-05]_2:00 a.m.
calendar girls

i just saw calendar girls

it was quite funny

really though it was

but im sorry i had to let go

i wish i never had to

i wish there was another way

but that is not the correct path

it doesnt go in the direction needed

although there is always hope

if you can keep it

and my candle burns bright enough

for the world to see

tomorrow is the dentist visit.

i dont look forward to it at all

i hate the smell dentist offices emit

it makes me want to go into the fetal position

and hide in a dark corner.

the hulk twizlers are pretty gross. no wonder the were $0.99

the crazy walgreens guy was there tonight. hes great.

work was terrible today. i waited for a ray of light to come, but it failed to shine. all is good. the sun doesnt shine everyday, and if you think it can, youre a fool.

i havent felt like having sex for a while. i never really was into it. never have been. dont know why.

wish i did. cause it seems like it should be more fun.

fore-play is my game.

this is oversharing.

so i am done.

10 hours until tooth doomsday.

i will sleep with tape holding my eyelids shut tonight.

3 to the tree.
