[2004-01-03]_6:30 p.m.
love and war

today was a long day.

when i woke up, i fell over.

i think i have vertigo.

or it may have been the raw pizza i ate last night.

god it was awful.

work was long today.

and slow.

whats up with these people.

slow saturdays, but busy mondays??!?

i am exhausted today.

got shit on my mind.

lots of it.

joey doesn't talk to me much anymore.

he never did in the first place though.

so i guess nothing is lost.

i just want to be alone today.

and listen to music

in the middle of nowhere.

i feel so claustrophobic

so pushed against the wall

like im being taken off course

by something

a feeling that i did not rest last night.

i apologize for my intentions

for the end does justify the means

but i cannot express the means

in any way i know how

with a limited life as mine

i wish it to last for ever

but the end always draws close

when you finally feel the warmth

of the sun

feeding your soul

what it has always wanted.

i cannot deny god

much longer

and it instills fear into me

for the foreshadowing is vague

chalkboard covered in the dust right after being wiped semi-clean.

today i will rest my soul

before it is challenged again

rest indeed

is what i need

for even when eyes are tight

the light seems to shine in

so bright

exercising every sense to its potential

was i meant for this?

was this meant for me?
