[2003-12-27]_1:28 a.m.

work sucked so much today. everyone and their moms and their mamas moms was in my damn store. and i am sorry, but there is not enough room for all them people. i think its a fire hazard. and then it was fucking artic temperatures outside. craziness. joey is on the bed with the covers over his face. my feet smell like ive been wearing hot topic shoes. josh is at some hotel room with his friends and exboyfriend. he wasnt that cute by the way. but there are slim pickins here in monterey. i look forward to getting off work early tomorrow becuase it seems like i have been closing forever. and i want to have a free night to sit and do nothing. i know ill be bored, but i can always find something to do or just sleep. and i dont have to deal with people. amen to that. i would love to write everything in here, but i still dont feel open enough to do so. with the whole world being able to see this, i dont feel like sharing my deep internal thoughts. i prefer to keep them in. and make me crazy. but ive got some stirring inside me. crazy times. the new year is all about new points of view. last year was change. and it has transitioned. part of me looks forward to the new year, while the other part warns me of trouble. i feel some foreshadowing upon me. i see things every now and then. not good. not bad. just things. and i wonder. whats in store.

good night world.

will i always am.
