[2004-02-15]_7:31 p.m.
tainted love

i dont know these days

what i want in life

or how to get it

i feel like

starting new

so fresh and so clean

i think that its coming down the pipe

hes gonna leave me


and i will survive

and so will he

but its gonna hurt so bad

because no matter what i think

i cant think of any

reasonable way that

it could survive

without one of us completely


and we both know

that wont happen

i wish we could have talked more

about nothing at all

and felt comfortable

doing this

sharing a moment

smiling at one another

not so much anger

or lack of trust

i wish we could have been

not so early

and then maybe

it would have worked

nothing has happened

but i smell it in the air

and feel it in my heart



but you know

everything that i did doubt

my love was never included in that

i will always feel it


what will come of this

the following days will be very interesting


and i wish i could imagine a way


but i think we both share the same feeling

missing the past

a little more each day

but we will survive.

i love you joseph

sometimes you made it quite hard for me to tell you it

but it never stopped

and it never will.


whenever there is a hole in my heart, i like to fill it up with alcohol.

