[2004-02-11]_6:59 p.m.

the world spins on

as it always does

paying no attention the the jagged seas

or what hath passed


dont think

the world so ill mannered.

it just cant stop

doing what it was meant for

not for anything


i will continue to embrace your life

and support all that i can

but a whisper in the air

opened my eyes

to see the path

i was on

was not the right

but the left

and easiest

back on track

i hope nothing is lost

with you

or your faith

in people like me

we do suck

just like everyone else

it is true

and we are not much different than

everyone else

except we know what its like

what ever it may be

we can feel it under our skin

hear it on quiet nights

taste things not yet devoured

and we know


its time


my love to you is unchanged

and not much could change it

for i am like the earth spinning

i was simply meant to give you love

unconditional in nature

and we cannot accept any tips

for only doing our only use.


until next time

i hope you had a fabulous birthday

it was fun for me


partners in crime

