[2004-01-18]_10:16 p.m.
another day another buck

today was so long

it felt like those days

of high school

in your last class of the day

never ending

waiting to hear that bell ring

but the room

being filled with rude people

few speaking english

and 10,00 kids

tearing apart your backpack

and pulling out everything

and throwing it out on the floor

and jumping on it

thats how today felt

ive had worse days


i dont think i am content with my life

right now

it doesnt feel right

like something out of place

and i have no idea how to change

this feeling

smothering my heart

squelching my breath

god grant me strength

to change myself

and leave my comfort zone

in which ihave become so well accustomed.


we went to el toritos tonight

i hope they had fun

the atmosphere was down

and our expectations were up

a recipe for disaster

but its over now

and i have to work in 10 hours

work work work

i need a break

or i might go mad

like some others ive known

and never knew why

but today

i knew damn well why

i felt them scratching at their cages

and saw their eyes in my mind

calling me to join

their ranks

behind cold steel

amongst the damned

never cured

only sedated.


how are you?


i dont feel like ive actually had a real conversation with you for a while

and im sorry

that it cant be easier.

ciao 3
