[2004-01-16]_2:31 a.m.
drunk dreams

im really drunk right now

and all i wantis sleep

like never before

without the spinning

without the blurs

without the car alarms

just now

i wish you could understand

i had a chat with some randpm guy tonight

about god

and he told me

"why bother? you only let yourself down."

it seems he already made up his mind

when he said he didn't know

he knew

what he didnt believe

and so did i.

i didnt believe him

or getting into his car

so i left

he begged me not to go,

but my better judgment said differently

it said go

the way you know how

and i did

and i will never regret it.

not as long as im alive


i met josh's ex tonight. i expected more for such a great guy, but knew what id see.

they always are likee that you know

the exs

nothing of what we really wanted

only a shortcut to what we didnt.

how they make us grow.


how am i ever to be president now?!?!?!


its so cold

and all i want is warmth

and i cant have it

a lesson i must also learn

hopefully not the hard way


I think i quit smoking tonight. i gave a pack back to someone.

i cant do it anymore

i love me

so much

that i will avoid harm at all costs.

and i love you so much

that i will avoid the means

that justify the end.

for there is always an end.


what do you do when you cant hold your breath any more?

just let out the old, and in the new.

i will be shit at work later.

this i promise.

you really can't trust anyone you know.

when it comes down to it, every person is for the, self.

and if they are not, there is still more pain for you to go.

just let go

its easy really

just let go

and accept

true life.
