[2004-01-14]_12:15 a.m.
small times

im in a present stae of mind

one that has no description

other than

the middle place

where most my life rests

a wallflower life

watching others pass

and succeed or fail

helping them up

or tripping them down

then retreating my my spot

up high

far away

so i dont get rubbed with their


i feel like hiding in my sheets

though i dont have any

and even if i did,

my couchbed will not support them

the way i would like them to be

each day

i feel more irritated

like a rash spreading on my body

or a mosquito bite on my face

so nice

that itch

that doesnt go away

and cannot be ignored

that itch

not cured or relieved in any way

i would i was someone else this year.

some time off from being me is well needed.

to collect my emotions

for theyve spilled out all over my floor, and sucken beneath the rug

where cleanliness is a luxury

and breathing is only as necessary.
